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Case Study: Spectra Logic: Changing market perceptions and boosting share

Changing Market Perceptions/Increasing Market Share

The Challenge 

Slow sales of a new line of disk products and existing market perceptions that ‘Tape is Dead’ brought Spectra Logic to IGNITE Consulting for a PR program that would re-energize its market presence and drive awareness of its new solutions.

The Solution

IGNITE designed a three-phase PR program aimed at creating awareness, improving product perceptions and increasing visibility of Spectra Logic’s new product line.

  • Phase I:      Foundation/positioning. IGNITE strengthened Spectra Logic’s corporate and product messaging and helped to make it clear and consistent, emphasizing customer benefits rather than product attributes.
  • Phase II:     Education. IGNITE re-introduced Spectra Logic to the analyst and press community, then consistently maintained important industry relationships, educating the market on Spectra’s vision, innovations and solutions.
  • Phase III:    Increased Visibility. IGNITE implemented a smart combination of traditional PR campaigns and social media techniques to gain and maximize visibility.

Results/Key Highlights

  • Exceptional results.  The company re-introduction and initial launch resulted in 23 features, and numerous mentions in key industry articles.  In addition, blog and Twitter activity was initiated and quickly ramped.
  • Increased sales. Generated leads were up 80 percent with the re-introduction and increased visibility, with more than 100 qualified leads generated in a single day.
  • Increased demand for disk product line. Demand for tape products increased, and the disk product line became Spectra’s fastest growing segment.
  • Dramatically increased brand visibility and coverage. Spectra Logic achieved a 400 percent return on investment on IGNITE’s PR program in the first six months.